Wednesday, January 26, 2011

I have no idea why i started my journal this late today. However it is now 11:24P.M and i want to go to sleep. But i suddenly thought of that i am going to type our journal in blogger. Today is a boring day again. Having a same Wednesday routine and it  was bored as usually. The favorite class that i have in Wednesday is maybe English class and others classes are not that comfortable for me because some of the teacher don';t really know how to teach.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Today is Tuesday. Classes had changed this semester for me, because I was usually in flash animation and now I went to MUN. IN basketball class there was new student and some are porn at basketball but some are beginners. Today was a fun day, and when I was at MUN class I was called up and talk about a short speech about play station 3. But I had no idea what it was so I screwed up. Now I was back home and doing my homework.

Monday, January 24, 2011


Today is a bad day again. However I had an English test today. I review 4 to 5hours for the English test that I had today. But I didn’t did that well as I thought. I missed 19 questions. I am still negative about that Mr.Dahl said that we can do the test in the end of the class but he suddenly changed his idea and he said the test is do  5minutes later. It was rally ambiguity. I was really unhappy when MR. Roberson gave me my Spanish test grade, because the grade was pretty low. Today Is really a bad day for me.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


The first semaster is finally over. I wish i can have a good grade on every classes in the second semaster. Today is not a great day for me, because i set my alarm 7o clock but it didn't even call so i woke up at 10o'cloak. I was really angry that time but i can't do anything so in the morning i first do my GATTACA worksheet and started to review for the English test that i have for Tommorrow. I review for 4 hours. I read every story and memorize the vocabulary. Today is really boring just as before.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Thurday forgot

I must apoligize because i forgot to do my Thursday journal and i don't know will you accept this. However, i would like to tell you my in teresting story yesturday. This thursday was fun because i move from chest club to sport club. Sport club is a club that i would always like to obtain. Mr. James taught as how to play Catain Ball(doesn't know is the game called that), and it was fun. IT was just like basketballl istead you can't move when you get the ball. After that we play dodge ball. Mattew was good that dodging a ball and throwing a ball. He strike many people out. I was really lucky that i was in his team. Thurday was a fun day.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Today is Wednesday. I wake up in the morning and take the bus to hisnchu. I was asleep and very tried and while i was sleeping i had a dream. I  forgot what was the dream about but it was scared and bloody. Afterward, i went to school. I had history and Spanish test. History test was a piece of cake for me but Spanish test was extremely diffficult because i don't like to learn Spanish. I went home and i ate a lot of strawberries and went upstair.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Today in Biology class I had a final test and it was difficult, however i almost finished all of the questions. After Biology class I had Basketball class. In basketball class i had a final exam and it was 5 vs 5. Our team lost the game but all of us tried our best. After school i went to the doctor and a take a x ray and see if i can still go taller. The doctor said that i can only grow to about 174-176cm. I was not that happy. Now i am review my history test and writing my journal.

Monday, January 17, 2011

hate this day

Today must be the worst day i had this year because my friend Dora had pass away because her cancer is get worse. I just notice a few second ago and it was unbelievable that it was so fast. I wish i could see her on heaven. I also pray for her and bless her. She was a really kind person when i was in 3rd grade and when she was in 4thgrade she got cancer. It suffered her for 5 years and God is with her anytime. I still remember that she was in school in 3rd grade, she was humorous and smart. But when i visit her in 5 thgrade she looks weak. God bless her.

QuickWrite ( the lady or the tiger.

This is a story when i was a 5thgrader. One time the teacher tell everyone to get in groups but me, Tim, Wade, and Toy. Me,Wade, and Toy are friend but the project is about making model and i know thta Wade is not good at making model. However i know that Tim is can make model but he look scared and he never talks to me.Later, the teacher told us to find a classmate so asked Tim to join me because he can make model. When we are working together he teaches me a lot of stuff such as how to build a strong model and we also chat. It was really fun to talk to him because he likes to act fuuny. And i think that it was great to choose him because he was intelligent and also friendly.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Boring day( Sunday)

Today is Sunday. Sunday should be a day that people go outside and play. However i was at home and reviewing for these final that I have next week. I think i have about 5 final tests next week, such as Spanish, Expository Writing, Basketball, History, and Biology test, and i am not sure do I have a English test. Today i reveiwed my Biology and my Expository Writing. And now I am staring at the computer and typing; and also listening to musics. Today is a really boring day and I still want to take a break tommorrow.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Today is thursday. On Biology class we had a lab to do and it was really difficult. After Biology i had History class. Mr. Walgren was not here to school today so Mr.Williamson sub him. Mr. Williamson gave us a test and told us to finish it in 30 minutes. The test was pretty easily because it's a overall review. After that we had lunch. Today lunch was pretty as usually because there was chicken. Later, i had club. I didn't went to my own club and went to the basketball club to train my basketball. Today when i was play baskeball, i found out that my energy is releasing so fast and i need to take a short break every 5 minutes. I guess maybe i haven't excercize for some days.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

wednesday journal

Today is Wednesday. I have so many pressures because almost every teacher told us that we’re having a final exam. Tomorrow I am going to have a history test and on Friday I am having a math test. I have so many things to review. However today is like a normal Wednesday because we watch a movie in History class and doing some power points in Expository Writing. Wish I can take a day off to rest and play computer games. When I was at home I went to my garden and pour them some water. The last sentence is really a hard one to end the paragraph because it was a really simple sentence.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

scared day

Today is Tuesday. I was very excited in this morning and at lunch time because i am having a basketball game for 40 minutes in basketball class. Rain destroy all of my excitment and joyfulness because Mr.Lee told us that we are going to watch a movie because it was raining and the floor are wet too. I was really disappointed. I was back to Taipei, while my dad was driving on the way to our house there was a guy who open his car door and the door accidentally smash into the motorcycle and the driver fall of from the motorcycle and my dad quick slide into the out track or that guy would be smash by our car. It was reaally scared, however that guy was safe, iguess, an dwish God bless him.

Monday, January 10, 2011


Today is Monday. I woke up at 5:30 in the morning as usual. However today I was mad at my dad because he takes my shirt and forgot where he put at, so I need to find another shirt to wear. It was 6:00 and I was at the bus station to wait for a bus to hsinchu. I was really tried that I felt asleep in the bus station and the bus came and I was still asleep. Suddenly there are a guy that wake me up and told me that the bus came so I quickly went in. I was really thankful to that guy who helps me because if he didn’t wake me up I need to wait another bus and I will be late. Today is a boring day at school. When I was at home I did some of my homework.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

wonderful day, Sunday

Today is a wonderful day. I woke up at early in the morning and started to do my homework. However my dad suddenly told me that my mom sister is getting married so we went there and eat with them. The foods and drinks are delicious. We ate these food for 2 hours. Later I went back home. When i wad at home I don't know what i did so i play card game with my sister. After that i did my Biology homework. IT took me 1 hour to finish a worksheet and a take a nap.

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Time goes that fast and now it's Thursday. Today we finally had club. It was pretty fun today in club time because evan taught me many magic trick which I was really excited. The magic card trick that he showed me was so good because he can know what card i pick. Today in Geometry class, mostly everyone was sleepy and just few of them were awake and participating. After Biology class, l had History class and we had a power point presentation to teach our classmate about Spanish Morrocco and how it was conquered. Thing go well and we finished our presentation. After school i went to Mr.Jacoby's room to ask him what is my expository Writing grade but he was not here so i went home.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Today is Wednesday. When i woke up this morning it was so cold in my house. I quick wear my clothes and went to school. When i wads at school the first thing i did is reviewing for my Spanish test. I don't like to have Spanish test because it was hard. However today test is not as difficult as i thought. In Expository Writing class, Mr.Jocaby showed us some power point about thesis statement. He said he want to teach us again about thesis statement because many people are still writing thesis with 3 sentence. It was really boring in expository Writing class because he just showed us the power point and told us to pre-edit other people paper. Today is a really boring day.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


I should say that today is a better day than before because I had basketball and flash animation class. These two are the classes that I enjoy the most. Today in geometry I stare at the whiteboard for the whole class because it was too boring. Next class, I had Biology class. In Biology class I finished my test correction. After Biology and had basketball. Mr.Lee was angry at me and my team because we don’t know when should we run and shoot when we’re practicing a strategy. However I learnt how to do the strategy and I think is becoming easier. After that I had flash animation. I finally finished my finally project except for adding in the music. I think the animation that I made was pretty good.