Monday, February 14, 2011

andy's 2 video

Today is really a bad day for me because the video log still can't work.  So i went to Mr.Dahl room and tell him my difficulty but still the video can't be post in blogger. The reason that blogger video post couldn't work haven't been found yet. Today is a normal day for me because i finish all my classes and went home. Today i ate some sandwhich with tuna for my dinner and plus  a drink. i wish my video log can be post and God please bless blogger and help it work as soon as possible.

First or second video film

Thursday, February 10, 2011

My video log can;t post and it said that it is 
an error. Today is really a fun day because i had club time. In club time, i went to play basketball
and other sports with my friends. However basketball is the most prefer sport than any others.
when i was at home i try many time to put my video into blogger but it said that it is an 
error so i don't know what should i do.