Sunday, March 27, 2011

Today is Sunday, and the new reporter is talking about someone have been  bully and how to prevent bully. There is like 7 to 8 girls who kick and hurt one girl in a playground and no one went to help her. The reciever didn't even revenge and stay still and let them hit her. Most of the girl are so bad that they kick her in the head. It was really scary and terrible, and this happened in hsing-chung, somewhere near our school. And one of the abuser is Richard's elementary classmate and it is just so messed-up. People are commenting on facebook and out kind of resources to scold the abuser. Even Ma president is worried about this thing and he said that these girls need some disipline.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Today is Thursday and i have a lot of fun in club because i played basketball games. But today is a boring day because of the boring classes i had today. When i am at home i started to do my MUN homework, after all i went to take a nap because i was really tried that time. After i woke up, it was 7 o cloak; so i rush into my room and started to do other homeworks such as biology and other kinds of reviewing. And i am finish with my homework so i take a bath. after taking a bath i started to write my journal and i want to go to sleep.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Today is Wednesday and i can't believe that time goes so fast. This week is going super duper fast. Today is a great day because we watch movie for 3 class, History, Spanish, and Expository Writing class. I like the movie that we watch in Spanish class, the topic is like ??lybrith something like that. The movie that Mr. Jacoby showed us is the worst movie i ever saw before because the movie is totally boring and the movie also involved many cursing and bad actions.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Today is Tuesday and i had two tests and one speech. The geometry test was as usually, not really difficult and not tricky. However the biology test is diffucult and a bit tricky, it is somehow opposite comparing to the geometry test. Later on, i had a MUN speech, and i had talk about Pakistan for two minutes and i am really nervous when i was on the podium. My body is all shaking especially my feet. When the school ended. everything is good because the test are all over and also the speech. All of the stress is off of my body and I became more happy.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Today is Monday and also a boring day. I went to school and everything goes well. I said that everythings goes well because my Spanish test wasn't that bad as a thought and also we watched a movie in Expository Writing. When i am at home, I started to write my homework and prepare for the math test and biology test. I found out that i went into the wrong room in the first week, because i should go to chemistry instead of biology class. I guess Mr. Linderman is giving us a test every week. So tommorrow will really be a tough day for me, and I also have a MUN speech to prepare which it make Tuesday the worst day in this week. This is really unusually because I alway like Tuesday.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Today is Sunday and my parents went out early in the morning. I wake up in the morning and played CS for 1 hour and i started to do my homework. Actually i don't really have any homework in the weekend. but i have 2 test to prepare, biology and geometry. I reviewed more in biology than in geometry because biology is more harder for me. I used my afternoon to review my biology and morning to review my geometry. And i am finished reviewing them but i will still review them tommorrow again.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Today is Thurday and when i had a test on English test and it was worse. I don't know why that i always had a bad score on my test. I review but jsut don't know why. When i was at HIstory class, Sherry annouced that me and some other people need to go to help for Community servise. So i don't have basketball club. Miss Sue take us to a place where we started to make paper and stuff like that. This is the first time doing this, and it was easy. When i was at home i started to write my homework, then take a short nap.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

QuickWrite pg.646

  • There was a person that had not smoke when he was little but he chose to take a risk that his friend gave him a cigarette and he started to do.
  • There was a person that had chose to cross the road that car is passing by.
  • There was a person that had chose to take a risk by playing computer in MUN class.
  • There was a person that had chose to shoot the ball and it was in.
  • There was a person who had study hard that he went to harvard.
  • There was a person who argued that black people should have the seat as same as the white.
  • There was a person who chose to help the poor

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Today is Tuesday and i had biology test and MR.Linderman said that we are having a chapter test on this Friday, which i think it's unbelivable because we just had a test last week. I think that he is really ridiculous. He didn't even barely teach us anything then he just give us the test. I think he is really nice in a sarcastic way. However today when i went home i didn't my homework and take a small 20minutes nap and continue to do my homework. When i get bored i started to go on facebook and do another stuffs. Today is a really boring day.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Today is Monday, and i had a Spanish Test. Our teacher gave us  1omiuntes to review and we will start the test. The test was difficult, and i don't like his test because it is not made by himself, it is from the Spanish testbook; which is really hard. And yet, this is my opinion. When i was at home, the first thing i did is reading the Scarlet Ibis. The story is really interesting, but i think the story is ironic that the end of the story because i thought Doodle won't die that early, and he would be strong by the training of his brother. The story make me felt sad about it too, because Doodle died, and his brother is very sad that he descibe that he lost a fallen Scarlet Ibis.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Boring day

Today is sunday. My parents and i went to Taipei 101 to shop, however my mom forget to bring her credit card so we decided to go home. When we are at home i saw the news and found out that more and more Japanese had die from the devastation. By now many of the taiwanese came back from Japan. Their family was happy and welcoming them back home. This is really interesting and touching. I really want praise and wish that the Japanese can overcome this kind of devastation and they should be more steady on their protection, even though their protection are pretty good and strong.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

today is wednesday. And it is also a happy day because tommorrow we don't have to go to school. Today is annie and MR.Reynold's birthday and i had just said happy birthday to them on facebook. Today in eglish class, i fail my quiz, i dont know why im miss so many. Before i only miss like 12 question but i change some of my answer and it caused me to get wrong on the answer. This is really weird because when i finish my test or quizes i also recheck them and the answer i change is right before, but i change it to another answer so that it makes it wrong. This happened so many times. Especially in English class. And i don't really know what should i do, next time i won't recheck my tests or quizs agian.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Today is Tuesday. I had basketball class today and it was fun. Mr.Lee choose two captain and they are Jackie and Godwin. I am on Jackie's team. We played a game and it was really fun even though i only shoot one ball in the basket. Gary and Jackie was injuryed in the game so they went down to rest. Especially Jackie, he bleed today so badly. So i substitute his place and played his position. I went home and the first thing i did is taking a shower. After that i started to do my History homework. And now, i am going to review for English/

Monday, March 7, 2011

Today is Monday. And i had a lot of trouble going on today. When i was at school, in expository classroom, i had to   present my power point. The title is, "is watching television good or bad in our life. My class ask me many questions that i don't know and some were laughing at me. So i was really nervous and don't know want to do. One of my classmate said that he ask so many questions is because he is trying to waste the time. And it end up very badly, because Mr.jacoby gave us extra homeworks to write becuase we keep on interupting other's pesent. But i didn;t interupt other's present, is they interupt me. But i still need to do the homework which make me angry and uncomfortable.

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Today is sunday, also a boring day. I woke up at 8o cloak. I don't really know what am i actually doing, because i was sleeping all day long. However today i finished all of my homeworks and started to play computer games. I played counter strike for 3 hours. The expository writing homework take a lot of time for me to do, because i have to make a 20slide power point. However, the topic is pretty easy, and i finished to fastly.I also  watch video from youtube and other websites when i get bored. Tommorrow will be a boring day also. And...... i need to go memorize my poem for english.