Thursday, April 21, 2011

Today is Thurday and i had PE club so i played four on four. Our team have Tim which is very skillful and also Willy, however our opponent are Mr.Lee which is our teacher. Time go by fastly and we won. Tim scored a lot and also Willy, but tiger and i didn't scored that much. After school, Willy, Tiger, and i went to buy drinks and we also went to buy some snack to eat. It was really awesome and delicious. When i went home i started to do my homework an chores, after all, i went to take a nap and woke up and found out it was 7, that mean that i slept for one and a half hours. By now i am doing my journal and tommorrow will be a fun day.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Today is Wednesday and i have a lot of fun because my friend went to my house because it is his 15years birthday and we ate cakes and cokes, the party was awesome. But when the party was over, my mom told me to start do me homework so i obey her and went to study for biology test. After awhile i fall a sleep and i dream that there was a monster chasing me to the end of the edge and it was eventually eating me, however my sister woke me up and i just found out that it was only a dream. I wish i won't have a terriffying dream forever in my life.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Today is Tuesday and a have a lot of fun again because i had basketball class today again. However i didn't really play game because my teammate told me to sit on the bench. My mom was really angry at me yesturday because she was sawing me playing computer games so she told me to delete to game and go to her home to do homework everyday, which i don't have a lot of freedom and happyness. After all a went to the bus station by my own and also brought some chips in 7-eleven and went into the bus. There was a stinky bad smell when i enter the bus, it was something like the smell of an old person. This is really stinky and smelly, but i survive for one hour and i was back at home. When i was at home, i didn't do anything but just sleep and reading. That's quite boring for any people. So i decided to write my homework and later go to sleep.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Today is Monday and i just had a wonderful night because my house alarm was suddenly ringing and woke me up. It was a little white cat that jumped around the walls of our house and i thought there might me a theft when i haven't go out to check. However i woke up in four because of the annoying cat so i don't know what should i do so i get back to sleep. When i was sleeping a dreamed that the alarm rings and a theft came into our house and robb us. Today when i was at school i was boring and tired because I didn't get plenty of sleep so when Mr.Walgren was showing us a video i almost fall into sleep. Expository class was fun today because he are debating many kinds of questions that are needed to solve in the whole world, such as one child policy, global warming and other interesting topics.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Today is Sunday and my father went to China with his friends. And i am at home reading animal farm and play computer games. however my mom caught me playing computer games so she was very mad at me and she said that if you continue to play you won't get into any college; so i think i should play it anymore but that game is too addicting that i want to continue to play. I went to take a nap and woke up to do my hmoeworks and pack up the thing and i for tommorrow. I think tommorrow will be a tired day because i have so many classes and stuff like that. I feel very not good right now.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Today is Thursday and it is also my favorite day in these 4 days because i had study hall and club time. We play basketball games when it was club time an dit was a 3 vs 3 tournement. Willy, Tiger, and It was a group and we won a lot of games so i am happy today. When it was after school my friend and i went to  buy some drink in 50 Blue and i went back home. When i was on the bus and read the newspaper and it was pretty interesting because there are a lot of shocking news. After all, i was at home and started to do my biology homework, and then i take a small nap and wake up to write my journal.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Comparing and contrast animal farm in the movie and in the book

Today we watched the animal farm movie and it was somehow similar to the actually book. It was about 80percent same. For example, the movie showed that they are having a meeting and a cat come in late; and this is actually in the book. However something is different, the movie is less detail than the story and some of the word spoken by the characters in the movie aren't the same as the book. In the book Mr.Jones didn't fire a gun but in the movie he did. And in the book the song is sing more detail but in the movie the song wasn't sing that detail comparing to the story of animal farm. Characters are more introduced in the book but character aren't introduced a lot in the movie.
Today is Wednesday and tommorrow is going to be thursday; tuesday is the best day among the 5 school days. Thursday we have club time and study hall. Today, we watched the animal farm movie and it was very funny and ceative. It is so how like to story in the book but it have lesser detail in the movie; however i enjoyed it. We had Spanish class later and it was horrible because we had a quiz about number from one to a million and it was pretty hard. Brandon said that he is going to failed this quiz and i am guessing that i might miss some of the question too because it was very difficult. After spanish class, i had expository writing class and i present my presentation and it was about death penalty. I went home and take a short nap and started to do my homework.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Today is Tuesday; I love today because I had basketball class; however there is biology class which I dislike. Today in basketball class, we did some fitness test including push up, pull up, and run. It was very tiring and I drink a lot of water, after finishing the test, we played basketball game. When I was at home, I finished my power point project and English homework. Later, I went to eat dinner and went back to work. After all of these tiring stuff, I started to do my journal and I am going to take a bath and go to sleep.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Today is Monday, and holiday is finally over. I think that spring break is over a little bit too fast for me, i think spring break should expand into 20 days. However, today i had some boring classes and i went home. When I was at home, I started to do my homework. I also prepared for the geomtry test and other kinds of exam. After all, I take a bath and i get a bit tired so i went to take a nap. Later, I went to facebook to check my notification, and i started to write my journal. And now, I am sad because the journal is only going to be 2.5 % of the exra credit point. I wish it can stay as before.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Today is Sunday and school start tommorrow. I dont feel well to go to school tommorrow. I wish tommorrow can be a holiday or a day off. I didn't quite do anything these day, just playing games and play sports. My cousin came to my house today and we played Wii together and it was pretty fun and i enjoy it. After that i start to hurry up and pack my backpack and preparing the thing i need to bring tommorrow.