Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Today is Tuesday and a have a lot of fun again because i had basketball class today again. However i didn't really play game because my teammate told me to sit on the bench. My mom was really angry at me yesturday because she was sawing me playing computer games so she told me to delete to game and go to her home to do homework everyday, which i don't have a lot of freedom and happyness. After all a went to the bus station by my own and also brought some chips in 7-eleven and went into the bus. There was a stinky bad smell when i enter the bus, it was something like the smell of an old person. This is really stinky and smelly, but i survive for one hour and i was back at home. When i was at home, i didn't do anything but just sleep and reading. That's quite boring for any people. So i decided to write my homework and later go to sleep.

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