Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The most tried day this year

Today is Wednesday. I am so tried right now, because we had a Christmas performance today. It was really weird that it was 10:00 and I am on blogger because I am really tried. My dad takes me home from Hsinchu back to Taipei and I sleep in my dad’s car. The Christmas Performance was really good and I think the entire freshman and sophomore did really well on the dance and the singing. Everyone did well; I like the basketball dance the most. It was awesome, both boys and girls showed some tricks.

The most tried day this year

Today is Wednesday. I am so tried right now, because we had a Christmas performance today. It was really weird that it was 10:00 and I am on blogger because I am really tried. My dad takes me home from Hsinchu back to Taipei and I sleep in my dad’s car. The Christmas Performance was really good and I think the entire freshman and sophomore did really well on the dance and the singing. Everyone did well; I like the basketball dance the most. It was awesome, both boys and girls showed some tricks.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Today is a fun day because teachers gave us watch movies this afternoon. Afternoon, first we watched Saolin Chonju soccer and the next class we watched Avatar. Both of the two movies are interesting especially Avatar. After watching ‘Avatar I went to the bus station to go home. Today, I didn’t buy any snacks to eat it’s because I am not that hungry. After all, I am at home and I take a 30 minutes nap and went to do my homework. The only homework I had is English homework. After finish reading it I went t o shower.

Monday, December 13, 2010


It is now 7:00 and I am inside the bus. It will take about one and a half hour to make it to my house. However I am in the bus and writing my journal. Today is a fun but tried day, because we had to rehearsal. I think that our dances were pretty good as the senior’s dances. Everybody tried hard and participate in this dance including me.
It was tough that everyone stay until 7:00 for rehearsal. After school everyone went to the gym to rehearsal; inside the gym there are books that are on sale. I really want to buy a comic book but I forgot to bring my money. After all we went to the stage to dance and sing. The dance was good but everyone doesn’t know how to sing the Christmas song so it was really weird. After finishing the dance I went to the bus station.

Sunday, December 12, 2010


Today is Sunday. In the earily morning, my parents went to taichung to meet their friends. My sister and I stay at home and do our homeworks. Weekend are always boring just as before. I reviewed for the Spanish test in the morning and afternoon i sleep for 30 minutes and went to eat lunch. After lunch i went to do my test objective for 2 hours. It takes a lot of time. So i went to facebook and chat online. Later, I went to the park alone to ride bike and I accidentally bump in to a tree and alomst fall down because i was riding speedly. Later I went to play basketball with my neighbor, he is very athletic so i can't defeat him. It was always fun to play with him because he taught me a lot of basketball skills. It was night and my mom come back and told me to eat dinner. The dinner was declicious and wonderful.

Thursday, December 9, 2010


Today is Tuesday. The test for English is a bit difficult because i think i forgot some of my vocabulary words. However today is a fun day because i get to rehearsal and prepare for our christmas performance. Hiroki and Sharon Wu taught all of our 9 and 10 grader how to dance. The dance was difficult but fun because i like to dance randomly but it was awkward when noone knows how to dance some few parts. After 3;00 hiroki said that we can go home and at the way to the school hiroki suddenly told me that he lost his computer battery so Hiroki, his classmate, and I went to find it. It was scared because we thought we can't find it, but it was not that hard to find a battery. So we went down to the gym and find it, meanwhile jason found it and everyone cheered for him. Hiroki was happy that time and i felt happy for him either.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Today is Wednesday. Wednesday is always a boring day for me. Today is a weird day because in English class Mr. Jacoby come to our class and in Expository writing class Mr. Dahl come to our class. In English class we read the story crane. It was a interesting story. After English class I had history class it was enjoyable because we watched a movie today about the Lewis and Clark expedition. Meanwhile, I had Spanish class and he told us that we are having a test next Monday I was shock at that moment because it was to shocking. At last I had expository writing and Mr. Jacoby taught us about the cause and effect today, which we taught us about the cause and effect for two weeks. School ends, and I went to the bus station to go home. When I was at almost at home my father came back from China and we both went home together. Today is not a boring day because my dad comes home.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Today is Tuesday. Tuesday is always a good day for me because I have basketball class. However today weather is not good not bad because the wind is big today and it was cold. In the morning my mom told me too wear jacket so I wear it all day long. In basketball class, Mr. Lee taught us some offence strategy and skills. It was not as hard as I thought but still a bit difficult. After basketball class I had flash animation class. It was fun because we get to do our project. My project is interesting and entertaining. After school I saw my PSAT grade and I give a big scream because it was extremely terrible; it was worse than my first PSAT test. I think I should stop playing online games and start to work hard. My mom yelled at me for 5 minutes because of my PSAT scores. I went to my room and slept for awhile and wake up, now I am writing my journal and I’m finished with it.

Monday, December 6, 2010


Today is Monday. Still think of the sport day, it was fun but weird because our 1000NT is stolen and I am the one who saw the guy who steal it. It was really scared that day. However I like to look at the future, so today I have English, history, Spanish, and expository writing. In English class I read about the story called The Sniper and it was pretty good. After English class ended it was history class. Most of the people are sleeping in history class and partial of them are playing computer when we are watching a video. After that it was lunch time and everyone is preparing to eat lunch and it was not really good as I thought. Meanwhile, I had Spanish class and it was as boring as before. At last, I had expository writing and it was still boring as before, nothing really changed. I was at home and typing my journal and I am FINISHed!!!~~

Thursday, December 2, 2010

IT's Thruday

Time is as fast as light and now it's Thurday. I can't believe Chirstmas is coming, that mean we can have a Christmas break. The first class i had today is Geometry class and people are sleeping or chating during the class just as always. However i review the two quiz i will have later. Soon i take the english test and it was fun. Meanwhile, i take the history quiz and the quiz was about the industrial and French revolution. It was pretty easy for me. In club time wehave a meeting talking about some sports day activities and others. The meeting ends and we are rehearsaling for the Christmas Proformance. Hiroki taught us how to dance and we just do what he does. It was fun and funny to dance that kinds of movement, especially bending and touching our feet from bottom to below. IT was a wonderful day and i enjoy it.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Today is a sunny day. Today is a lucky day for my because my classmate gave me a free cake to me today and it was delicious. However when i got home i accidentally fall down from the steps and my feet is a bit injured. After that i went to my room and started to write my homework. Later a take a shower and take a 30minute sleep. After finish sleep i started to review for English and History class. Later i went to facebook and look at some comments and type some stuff in and i leave facebook. Meanwhile, i went down and eat some bread and went to brush my teeth and go to sleep. Before sleep of dad tolds my sister and I that we are going to Japan this winter break and I was like jumping up and down. After that i went to sleep.