Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Today is Tuesday. Tuesday is always a good day for me because I have basketball class. However today weather is not good not bad because the wind is big today and it was cold. In the morning my mom told me too wear jacket so I wear it all day long. In basketball class, Mr. Lee taught us some offence strategy and skills. It was not as hard as I thought but still a bit difficult. After basketball class I had flash animation class. It was fun because we get to do our project. My project is interesting and entertaining. After school I saw my PSAT grade and I give a big scream because it was extremely terrible; it was worse than my first PSAT test. I think I should stop playing online games and start to work hard. My mom yelled at me for 5 minutes because of my PSAT scores. I went to my room and slept for awhile and wake up, now I am writing my journal and I’m finished with it.

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