Thursday, December 9, 2010


Today is Tuesday. The test for English is a bit difficult because i think i forgot some of my vocabulary words. However today is a fun day because i get to rehearsal and prepare for our christmas performance. Hiroki and Sharon Wu taught all of our 9 and 10 grader how to dance. The dance was difficult but fun because i like to dance randomly but it was awkward when noone knows how to dance some few parts. After 3;00 hiroki said that we can go home and at the way to the school hiroki suddenly told me that he lost his computer battery so Hiroki, his classmate, and I went to find it. It was scared because we thought we can't find it, but it was not that hard to find a battery. So we went down to the gym and find it, meanwhile jason found it and everyone cheered for him. Hiroki was happy that time and i felt happy for him either.

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