Tuesday, November 30, 2010

tuesday, a happy day

Today is Tuesday. Tuesday is a favorite day of mine because I get to have basketball class. Basketball class is fun and interesting. Today, Mr. Lee taught us some strategy and some very awesome drills. However so are complicated, but at least I know them by now. At lunch time, I eat two breads and a meat, it was delicious. Today we also have flash animation class which we are making a project. The project I made is about a car that crash into the other cars without little damage. When I went home I started to do my homework and other stuffs. Today a have a lot of homework to do and eventually from every class. I also gave Brandon the drink list from sports day.                   

Monday, November 29, 2010


Today is Monday. However I had a Spanish test today and it was very difficult, but I still know some of the answer. Today I read my delicate heart in the Holt Reader book and found out that it was a good story. After English class I had History class and we are studying the industrial revolution that I learn it before. However learn more is always better. After that I had lunch and it was pretty yummy. In Expository Writing class we studied about compare and contrast which it is very simple and easy. As before we take turn and read one paragraph each time. School ended and Amanda said that every freshman needs to go to auditorium and have a meeting. The meeting was talking about some activities in Sport’s day.

Sunday, November 28, 2010


Tommorrow school is starting and i need to wake up early in the morning. However i finished my homeworks and stuff. As before in the weekend i didn't really did anything but i stay home and play computer games. I am also happy that this weekend i don't have a lot of homeworks so i can spend my time on my computer or TV. Tommorrow i am having a spanish test which it will be pretty hard i guess. But however, i review for the test for 1 and a half hour which i think it's probably enough so i am done with everything. I suddenly remember that i need to do my blog on Sunday so i quickly type my daily dairy and stuff. After that i guess i will pack up for my homeworks into my bagpack. I also review for the math test that is coming up in next Friday. So when  i finish typing my blog i guess i will brush my teeth and go to sleep.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

Today is should be a nice day but something makes it a worse day for me. Today is Thanksgiving and many parents prepare foods for us to eat in lunch. It was awesome and tasty. However, when I finish eating these delicious foods I went to play table tennis. We played double players, and Jonah and I played with Jeff and Mr. Choquette. And my teammate was serving the ball and he accidentally used his racket and hit it on my face. My lips started to bleed, but I still continue to play. We won the game and we take revenge because the first round we lost. After that Dion came which it make it more badly because I don’t really like him. When I was walking to the bus station I saw him again and he talk to me and said mean things to me which he makes me felt sad.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I woke up in the early morning and I went to eat breakfast. I ate two pieces of pizza and it was dilicious. However i eat my breakfast and watch TV at the same time so my parents close the TV and they said that i can't watch TV when you eat breakfast. But that was a famous movie and i really what to watch, but still i slowly eat my breakfast and sadly went to do my homework. Again, Mr. Linderman gave us a bunch of homeworks and by now on i am still writing his homework. IN the middle of write homework i went down and grab some pizzas and fruit to eat and i also listen to some slow  music when i got really bored. However by now on i finshed my biology homework. Some are difficult and some are easy to write.My  dad finally come back home, today morning he left home and went to his freindly house to visit. My dad brought some candys and chip back home for us. After i ate lunch. I ate some chinese food that are pretty tasty, such as brokery and vegetable.

Monday, November 22, 2010


Today is Monday. I am still feeling a bit sleepy. I had Spanish class today and it’s a difficult language to learn. Me. Roberson asked us question while he was teaching. After Spanish class I had expository which it was pretty boring, because he always told us to take terms and read a short paragraph each term. I saw a lot of heads down in the class and I was about the same to feel asleep. After school I had badminton it was fun because I learned some skills in badminton. Also Howard and I played with Ricky and jasper which we won the game. I was half sweaty at the moment when I was starting the start the game because it was exciting. But after the game ended I was totally sweat, so I went to the bathroom and wash my face. Later the class ends and the bus is going to take us to the school. When I was at school and rush down and went to the bus station to wait the bus to take me back to Taipei. Now I am at the bus and typing all these and the bus is running about a speed of 70kilometer/second.

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Today is Sunday and also a boring day.I woke up at 8 o cloack in the morning and started to do my homeworks. Mr. Linderman, our High school Biology teacher gave us a pile of homework that can never be finished. However i finished some of it. And now, i am still doing my Biology homeworks which i hate it. I am also review for a spanish quiz tommorrow. I think i will sleep late today because of the pile of homeworks i got from the teachers. I finally know that high school is difficult than i thought before. Homeworks are double in high school.  However i still played some games on the internet when i am bored. I also went on facebook when i got bored. Doesn;t know what should i write. I just took a shower and starting to do my journal. My parent's freind went to my house and visit my parent and they also talk about the big earthquake that just happened.I was in the shower and the earthquake suddenly came which it scared me.  It was frightening at the beginning but it just last for 5 seconds so it wasn't that devastating.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Yeah, Happpy Thursday

Today is Thursday. One day left then it's weekend. Today is a normal day as before, which i wake up early and went to the bus status for bus to go to hsinchu. When i was going into the bus i saw a crockcroces on the way to my seat. It was huge, about the propotion of a nose. I was creepy that i had to sit beside and old lady that is coughing without closing her mouth. It was disguisting, but whatever i was at hsinchu and preparing to left the bus, and while i was outside of the bus i told my sister about the story that happen on the bus. We chose our sport games today and i chose to play soccer on that day. After that we went to our own club, same as before, where Mr. James was grading his paper and stuff and while the  girls are chating.  But me and Evan rather not chat we decided to play board games. It was fun that we play pokers and stuff. It was fun to play with evan with his good experinment in poker for me to learn from him. After the club ends i immediately went to the bus status ad waiting for the bus to Taipei. I was at home and doesn't now what should i do so i started to write my homeworks. By now i am doing my journal and suddenly my mom told me that it's time to eat dinner.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The worst day ever

Today is a  normal day but the title said that it was the worst day ever. The reason is that i saw my grades today. I got two C in this quarter and my sister got like straight A is it was so shameful today where my mom and dad really screwed me. I also don't like some comments that the teachers gave me. Whatever the scores are grade and so i think i should absolutely start from the first place and try harder this quarter. Wish i won't have a C anymore. God please bless me. Also I got like a pile of homeworks to do this week so it will makes me feel sad about it. But whatever, homeworks are important so I can't mess this up so i got to do hard from now on. After school we had a meeting about some creative games that we're going to do in the sport day. So we talk for about 30 minutes and it ended. It so pretty fun that all of the 9thgrader were sitting down and talking about activites which we also makes freind.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A Pretty Fun Day

Today is a pretty fun but still a normal day. Today is a fun day becuase i got to have basketball class. I really like basketball, but shooting balls in the basket sounds weird, but i want to learn tricks and skills. I also want to go to the basketball team in the future. ALSO i had a flash animation class today where we make animation and stuff on the computer; it was pretty fun.We also had a geometry test today. The question are simple and easy but still i'm a bit nerves. School ended and i am preparing to pack up and go home. While i am waiting for the bus and  i was hungry so i went to 7eleven and brought so snack.  When i'm at home my aunt came to visit us and chat with my parents. And my aunt's child came and play with me when i'm at a bad mood. So i told her to leave me alone and she was like upset. Finally they left our home. So i started to do my homeworks. History homework took me a long time to research so i was getting bored. So i started to do me journal.

Monday, November 15, 2010


Today is a fun day because i had basketball class. Mr.Lee pick 2 captain and they are Jackie  and Godwin. I am in Jackie's team. We play full court and it was really fun, even though i only shoot in one ball.  We won the game. It was really fun. After all i went to the bus station and prepare to go home. I was at home and the first time i did is taking a shower because my body is sweat and dirty. After taking a shower i do my expository write and history homeworks. And now i am going to review my english.