Sunday, November 21, 2010


Today is Sunday and also a boring day.I woke up at 8 o cloack in the morning and started to do my homeworks. Mr. Linderman, our High school Biology teacher gave us a pile of homework that can never be finished. However i finished some of it. And now, i am still doing my Biology homeworks which i hate it. I am also review for a spanish quiz tommorrow. I think i will sleep late today because of the pile of homeworks i got from the teachers. I finally know that high school is difficult than i thought before. Homeworks are double in high school.  However i still played some games on the internet when i am bored. I also went on facebook when i got bored. Doesn;t know what should i write. I just took a shower and starting to do my journal. My parent's freind went to my house and visit my parent and they also talk about the big earthquake that just happened.I was in the shower and the earthquake suddenly came which it scared me.  It was frightening at the beginning but it just last for 5 seconds so it wasn't that devastating.

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