Thursday, November 18, 2010

Yeah, Happpy Thursday

Today is Thursday. One day left then it's weekend. Today is a normal day as before, which i wake up early and went to the bus status for bus to go to hsinchu. When i was going into the bus i saw a crockcroces on the way to my seat. It was huge, about the propotion of a nose. I was creepy that i had to sit beside and old lady that is coughing without closing her mouth. It was disguisting, but whatever i was at hsinchu and preparing to left the bus, and while i was outside of the bus i told my sister about the story that happen on the bus. We chose our sport games today and i chose to play soccer on that day. After that we went to our own club, same as before, where Mr. James was grading his paper and stuff and while the  girls are chating.  But me and Evan rather not chat we decided to play board games. It was fun that we play pokers and stuff. It was fun to play with evan with his good experinment in poker for me to learn from him. After the club ends i immediately went to the bus status ad waiting for the bus to Taipei. I was at home and doesn't now what should i do so i started to write my homeworks. By now i am doing my journal and suddenly my mom told me that it's time to eat dinner.

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