Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The worst day ever

Today is a  normal day but the title said that it was the worst day ever. The reason is that i saw my grades today. I got two C in this quarter and my sister got like straight A is it was so shameful today where my mom and dad really screwed me. I also don't like some comments that the teachers gave me. Whatever the scores are grade and so i think i should absolutely start from the first place and try harder this quarter. Wish i won't have a C anymore. God please bless me. Also I got like a pile of homeworks to do this week so it will makes me feel sad about it. But whatever, homeworks are important so I can't mess this up so i got to do hard from now on. After school we had a meeting about some creative games that we're going to do in the sport day. So we talk for about 30 minutes and it ended. It so pretty fun that all of the 9thgrader were sitting down and talking about activites which we also makes freind.

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