Monday, November 22, 2010


Today is Monday. I am still feeling a bit sleepy. I had Spanish class today and it’s a difficult language to learn. Me. Roberson asked us question while he was teaching. After Spanish class I had expository which it was pretty boring, because he always told us to take terms and read a short paragraph each term. I saw a lot of heads down in the class and I was about the same to feel asleep. After school I had badminton it was fun because I learned some skills in badminton. Also Howard and I played with Ricky and jasper which we won the game. I was half sweaty at the moment when I was starting the start the game because it was exciting. But after the game ended I was totally sweat, so I went to the bathroom and wash my face. Later the class ends and the bus is going to take us to the school. When I was at school and rush down and went to the bus station to wait the bus to take me back to Taipei. Now I am at the bus and typing all these and the bus is running about a speed of 70kilometer/second.

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